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Well, this approach can provide a formalized diagram of who "talks" to whom, and when. But you could draw a similar diagram about people talking in a room, and you would only get, as you do here, only the husk of the conversation. For a deeper approach to what is actually said, and why, you can't bypass discourse and interactionist analyses.

Dr. Mohamed Taher

I have cited your blog in my most recent post:http://akbani.blogspot.com/2006/07/visualizing-comments-on-blogs.html> Visualizing Comments on Blogs

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t's someone who you work with, or go to school with, look at their department website and see if they have any projects in the works. If the person is a mutual acquaintance, ask your friend what this person does for a living and how they know each other. (Do not, however, dig any deeper than these suggestions.

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Coming into a conversation equipped with personal information about that person comes off as creepy. That means researching a person on social networks before talking to them for the first time is not okay!) The information you get can be good for starting conversations:

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Weblogs are used to start conversations. But those conversations are skewed: only the weblog owner can start conversations. How can we allow everybody to start conversations on a weblog?

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These diagrams are little bit confusing...


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Rather good diagrams really that kind of demonstrate networking on a bigger scale.

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But those conversations are skewed: only the weblog owner can start conversations. How can we allow everybody to start conversations on a weblog?

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A public post option would be they way to go, and allow moderation to stop spammers, etc.

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