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just got an idea: what if we experiment with blog certificate for my weblog? :)))



I will, but first have to collect enough data. Meanwhile, I am awaiting
suggestions for what the certificate might look like.



I found some comments to your ideas in Spanish :)
As you don't have a trackback from it - http://blogzine.blogalia.com/historias/16266

The author also points to http://www.popdex.com/ticker/

Stu Savory

>>the result might be useful

For what?
It is only useful if it is a statistical predictor for something else, e.g. Blog Quality.
Proove the hypothesis first manually, then we can judge if we want to provide data automatically.

Personally, I think Blog Quality depends on the content, not on its length or link density.



"It is only useful if it is a statistical predictor for something else, e.g. Blog Quality". Unfortunately, quality is not easy to measure, and certainly movie certificates do not measure quality, still they are used (and useful :-)).

"Personally, I think Blog Quality depends on the content, not on its length or link density." True, in general, but still raw counting can be useful to appreciate quality. For example, I prefer television stations that have few (or no) advertising breaks. And a station that has good content and a lot of ads will make me zap.

Anyway, in the other posts there is some proof I'm not just counting...

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